Kako će cirkularna ekonomija transformisati modnu industriju?
Brza moda, prekomjerna potrošnja i veliki karbonski otisak, neki su od…
Kako da odvajanje otpada postane tvoja svakodnevna navika?
Kako važnost ekološke osviještenosti eksponencionalno raste, za čišći i…
Model efikasnog upravljanja otpadom koji vrijedi slijediti - Sarajevo kao primjer dobre prakse upravljanja otpadom
U svjetlu rastućih izazova u upravljanju otpadom širom svijeta, uključujući…
Western Balkans Circular Economy Week: Building Sustainable Bridges
From 27 to 31 of May 2024, the third annual Western Balkans Circular Economy…
Assessing the source, type and quality of waste as a secondary raw material for the industry: Wood and textile waste in Zenica-Doboj Canton
Waste management remains a key environmental challenge in Bosnia and…
Assessment of circularity of construction and packaging industries
Circular economy practices have been recognized as crucial to the green and…
Let’s recycle in the classroom
In the 21st century plastic waste has become a central waste management…
Market research of plastic packaging (HDPP, LDPP, PP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of its availability as raw material for recycling
Roughly 150,000 tons of plastic waste are produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina…
Green recovery support for metal and wood industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The COVID-19 Pandemic has had deep impacts on businesses across Bosnia and…
Community4Innovation: Innovative Sustainable Economy Thematic Community Project
Grant agreement ID: Euro-MED0100007 Total project budget: 4.999.826 € Start…