Projects Show all In Progress Completed Climate Change Biodiversity Energy Efficiency Circular Economy Environment In ProgressClimate ChangeEnergy EfficiencyGreen Horizons-Enabling Just Transition In ProgressEnvironmentCOperation and COdesigning PArtnership for CliMAte Neutrality (CO2 PACMAN) In ProgressClimate ChangeEnvironmentAccelerating Carbon Market Development for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Mediterranean agriculture CompletedCircular EconomyAssessing the source, type and quality of waste as a secondary raw material for the industry: Wood and textile waste in Zenica-Doboj Canton CompletedCircular EconomyAssessment of circularity of construction and packaging industries In ProgressBiodiversityProtected areas management plans: integrating climate change adaptation measures for national parks FBiH CompletedCircular EconomyEnvironmentLet’s recycle in the classroom In ProgressEnvironmentGreen City Action Plan for the Brčko District, BiH – GCAP Brčko CompletedCircular EconomyMarket research of plastic packaging (HDPP, LDPP, PP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of its availability as raw material for recycling CompletedEnvironmentSupport to the RCC Secretariat in Monitoring and Reporting on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans Action Plan CompletedEnvironmentMapping of the soup kitchens in Bosnia and Herzegovina In ProgressEnergy EfficiencyCircular EconomyGreen recovery support for metal and wood industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina In ProgressEnergy EfficiencyEmpowering energy security in BiH: CENER 21 with the support of the regional project SMART Balkans In ProgressCircular EconomyCommunity4Innovation: Innovative Sustainable Economy Thematic Community Project CompletedCircular EconomyEnvironmentTackling Single-Use Plastics in the Adriatic: CENER21 Joins MedWaves and GIZ in a Collaborative Project for Public and Private Action In ProgressBiodiversitySafeguarding Our Natural Heritage: Encouraging Bosnia and Herzegovina to Embrace More Protected Areas CompletedClimate ChangeSMART Balkans – Civil Society for a Shared Society in the Western Balkans – Beating the Heat: Unleashing the Cool Revolution for Healthier Urban Living CompletedEnergy EfficiencyAction for development and promotion of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in the Municipality of Olovo CompletedBiodiversityWe know and protect natural values of Canton Sarajevo CompletedCircular EconomyYoung WB Ambassadors of Positive Changes CompletedEnvironmentEnvironmental Strategy and Action Plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH ESAP 2030+) CompletedEnvironmentImplementation of Green Chemistry Principles in Industry CompletedCircular EconomyZero Plastic Youth Initiative CompletedClimate ChangeClimaProof – Building infrastructure adapted to the future climate and weather patterns in the Western Balkans CompletedClimate ChangeClimate Bridges CompletedClimate ChangeZeroCO2MED CompletedClimate ChangeCapacity building and education on climate change of farmers from Hadžići and Ilijaš CompletedBiodiversityValorization of Zvijezda mountain ornithological values for the nomination of IBA site CompletedCircular EconomyGreen Economy for a Greener Society CompletedCircular EconomyResource Efficiency towards Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection CompletedBiodiversityDevelopment of the Management plan for Protected Landscape Bijambare CompletedCircular EconomyZero Waste Municipalities CompletedBiodiversityDevouring Architecture CompletedEnergy EfficiencySTRIDE – Improved energy planning through the Integration of Smart Grid concepts in the Danube Region CompletedBiodiversityDINALPCONNECT – Transboundary ecological connectivity of Alps and Dinaric Mountains CompletedCircular EconomyGreen Growth CompletedEnergy EfficiencyAction to increase energy and water efficiency of water supply services CompletedBiodiversityAchieving biodiversity conservation through creation, effective management and spatial designation of protected areas and capacity building CompletedBiodiversityBiodiversity research and conservation measures of boreal owls and forest owl in area of Vareš CompletedBiodiversityECO KARST–ecosystem services of karst protected areas – driving force of local sustainable development CompletedCircular EconomyEstimation of the quantities and types of food and beverage plastic packaging being placed on the market and in the waste flow in Bosnia and Herzegovina CompletedCircular EconomyAssessment of the policy framework of food and beverage waste packaging in Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina CompletedEnergy EfficiencyCreation of by-law on regular energy audits in large enterprises and industry for FBiH CompletedBiodiversityDelivery of Technical Support for Coordination and Development of the Sixth National Report of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Convention on Biological Diversity CompletedCircular EconomyAction for food waste reduction in Canton Sarajevo: One plate more CompletedEnergy EfficiencyRehabilitation and modernization of the district heating system in the City of Banja Luka CompletedClimate ChangeSupport Uzbekistan in identification, assessment and strengthening a national institution to directly access climatefinance from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the framework of the GCF Readiness Programme Support for Uzbekistan CompletedCircular EconomyIncreasing investments in district heating systems in cities – SE4ALL energy efficiency accelerator and rehabilitation and modernization of the district heating system in the City of Banja Luka CompletedCircular EconomyTraining program for industrial enterprises in Canton Sarajevo: resource efficiency and cleaner production CompletedBiodiversity“Capacity development for the integration of global environmental commitments into national policies and development decision making in BiH” CompletedClimate ChangeClimate Change Action in Developing Countries with Fragile Mountains Ecosystems from a sub-regional perspective CompletedBiodiversityPreparation and organization of training for biodiversity indicators and data management as part of the UNEP/GEF MSP CompletedBiodiversityTowards strengthening conservation planning in Southeast Europe CompletedBiodiversityCommunication, education and public awareness on the national park on Mountain Bjelašnica CompletedBiodiversityAssistance with organization of COP 12 – twelfth meeting of the conference to the Convention on Biological Diversity and preparation of Study on legislative action within the Carpathian Convention CompletedBiodiversityRevision of NBSAPS and establishment of Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) and capacity development for the integration of global environmental commitments into national policies and development decision making (CCCD) CompletedCircular EconomyPublic awareness campaign – implementation of strategic communications plan on solid waste management CompletedBiodiversityWorld Environment Day 2013 in BiH CompletedBiodiversitySupport to Bosnia and Herzegovina for the revision of the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and to develop the Fifth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) CompletedClimate ChangeFacilitation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s participation at the Rio+20 Conference and reporting under the UNCCD CompletedBiodiversityNational capacity self–assessment (NCSA) for BiH CompletedEnergy EfficiencyEnergy audit of buildings in BiH – capacity building, methods and tools – EAB CompletedEnergy EfficiencyFinancial engineering for energy efficiency projects in BiH CompletedEnergy EfficiencyImplementation of the BISE process in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Better Integration towards Sustainable Energy) CompletedEnergy EfficiencyInternational BISE Forum – European Energy City Network, ENERGIE-CITIES, MEMBER OF VIRTUAL SECRETARIAT