Center for Energy, Environment and Resources
Center for Energy, Environment and Resources (CENER 21) is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization established in 2006 with the mission to contribute to sustainable development in South East Europe. CENER 21 works directly with key stakeholders, including international organizations, the government, industry and local authorities deploying technical expertise in the areas of:
CENER 21 is the host of the National Cleaner Production Center for Bosnia and Herzegovina (NCPC BH). Established in 2015, NCPC BH drives the transition of Bosnia and Herzegovina industry towards a low carbon economy through feasible resource efficient and cleaner production interventions. The Center is established to foster expertise, service delivery capacity and implementation of RECP practices and policies in the country, building on UNIDO’s experience in supporting National Cleaner Production Programmes (NCPPs) and Centres (NCPCs), in collaboration with UNEP, under the global joint RECP Programme.
CENER 21 helps policy makers in the region to develop, promote and implement innovative market-based solutions to key resource efficiency, climate and energy issues that balance both environmental and economic interests. Our mission is to contribute to sustainable development in South East Europe, while encouraging synergy, cooperation and commitment of a wide range of stakeholders for achieving this mission.
Our approach
CENER 21 develops and implements projects and solutions of national and regional importance, by applying sound knowledge, engaging stakeholders and employing policy dialogue.The basic objective and the concept of operation of CENER21 is to connect and integrate the existing human and institutional resources dealing with energy, environment and resources in Bosnia and Herzegovina into one functional organization, therefore concentrating core knowledge in a team that can respond to integrated multidisciplinary projects.
A core element of our philosophy is to go beyond expectations and deliver long-term added value to each project. We continuously apply the lessons and experience of past projects to improve the results of each subsequent project.
CENER 21 is fully competent and able to establish strong and sustainable partnerships among decision makers, institutional bodies and experts to generate long term effects for prominent measures with transferring and mainstreaming potential.

We are the main partner of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in BiH and we have a long-term partnership with UNEP in Vienna. In cooperation with UNEP in BiH, we provide a strong support to the expansion of protected area systems in the Danube region.
As a UNEP MAP partner, CENER 21 is devoted to ensure environmental protection and promote sustainable development of the Mediterranean Sea and its coastline.

CENER 21 is one of the capitalization partners in the Interreg MED Green Growth Community. Through the Interreg MED Programme, we promote sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area by fostering innovative concepts and practices.

Through the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme, we contribute to preservation and management of diverse natural and cultural assets in the Danube region while fostering sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources. Through this program, we also contribute to the development of smart energy distribution systems and improvement of energy security and energy efficiency.

As the Lead Communication Partner within the Interreg ADRION Programme, we are actively promoting the sustainable valorisation and preservation of natural and cultural assets as growth assets in the Adriatic – Ionian area.