This spring, our research team continues to conduct field research at the Klek peninsula and in Livanjsko polje.
At the Klek peninsula, vegetation had already started to grow in the olive fields and former arable land parts. In this early-spring phase of the flora and vegetation research, many different plants species are identified.
A significant number of plants species that have never been identified earlier at the Klek peninsula are now discovered and identified. Some of the identified plant species represent extremely rare plant species in BiH.
In Livanjsko polje, our team is collecting data on ornitofauna. Up to date, several species of ducks were identified: Aythya ferina, Aythya fuligula, Anas querquedula, Anas crecca, Anas plathyrhynchos. Besides ducks, a water hen (Fulica atra), crane (Grus grus) and wolves ( Canis lupus) were identified.
The main goal of the research activities is to get clear facts about natural values (flora and fauna) in target areas.
With its research team, CENER21 will continue to conduct field research during the whole spring and summer, as well as to implement all other activities agreed with the client.
Finally, gathered data will serve as a baseline for creating the documentation necessary for the official legal protection in accordance to the Law on Nature Protection (Official Gazette FBiH, no 66/13).
Activities are conducted within the Achieving biodiversity conservation through creation, effective management and spatial designation of protected areas and capacity building project, implemented by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in a cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism and Ministry of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of Republika Srpska and supported through Global Environment Facility (GEF).