- identify and assess the challenges in terms of climate change adaptation in the mountain regions with regards to social, economic and environment vulnerabilities, linking it to existing community practices
- identify bottleneck
- provide recommendations for future policy development at sub-regional, national and local levels
- present the background document and validate the main findings and recommendations based on an interactive discussion with key experts from the regions and participants.
- Networking and Communication
- Development of inventory on policies (data collection)
- Development of case studies (inventory of practices), considering the following:
- Assessment/Analysis (based on inventory)
- Review of existing sub-regional and national climate change adaptation policies and strategies
- Assess institutional capacities with regards to climate change adaptation
- Identify priority areas for future policy development in key areas (agriculture, water, tourism, energy, biodiversity)
- Develop set of draft recommendations for policy follow-up action
- Assessment Review
- Co-organization and implementation of the regional meeting to review the prepared draft regional assessment on climate change and adaptation in mountain regions
- Elaboration of relevant meeting documents
- Coordination of the group of experts to undertake the policy analysis and compilation of the inventory of practices (case studies)
- Provide technical assistance to the mountain workshop