The project is being implemented within the Interreg V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION programme 2014-2020. Ecological connectivity (EC) enables processes like gene flow, migration and dispersal of living organisms thus counteracting negative effects of habitat fragmentation and climate change. The project intervention objective is to strengthen transnational and sectoral cooperation to improve EC throughout Dinaric Mountains, connecting them with the Alps enabling long term protection of biodiversity in view of current and future climatic changes. Both mountain ranges are exceptionally rich in biodiversity which is threatened by fragmentation and habitat loss.
To improve EC, eleven DINALPCONNECT partners from seven countries will establish a network of Pilot regions to strengthen transboundary linkages between Natura2000 sites and protected areas where EC will be explored and consolidated. Joint action plans for improved EC of transboundary habitats in Pilot Regions will be based on guidelines for agricultural and forestry practices protecting biodiversity. To support this, existing EU and national agriculture and forestry policies will be examined, giving suggestions for harmonisation with EU legislation. Combining analytical results with expert knowledge exchanged during an international scientific conference and other events, the project will deliver a Strategy for ecological connectivity throughout Dinaric Mountains connecting them with the Alps, which will be adopted by policy makers.
CENER 21 is the leader of the Work Package – Communication. The main objective of this work package is to communicate DINALPCONNECT activities and disseminate achievements, to receive feedback from specific target groups, to raise knowledge and awareness regarding ecological connectivity and to promote exploitation and implementation of project outputs. CENER 21 will deliver these services trough project activities including:
- Start-up activities including communication strategy and website
- Publications
- Promotional material
- Public events.