Projects Show all In Progress Completed Climate Change Biodiversity Energy Efficiency Circular Economy Environment In ProgressEnvironmentCOperation and COdesigning PArtnership for CliMAte Neutrality (CO2 PACMAN) In ProgressClimate ChangeEnvironmentAccelerating Carbon Market Development for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Mediterranean agriculture In ProgressBiodiversityProtected areas management plans: integrating climate change adaptation measures for national parks FBiH In ProgressEnvironmentGreen City Action Plan for the Brčko District, BiH – GCAP Brčko In ProgressEnergy EfficiencyCircular EconomyGreen recovery support for metal and wood industries in Bosnia and Herzegovina In ProgressEnergy EfficiencyEmpowering energy security in BiH: CENER 21 with the support of the regional project SMART Balkans In ProgressCircular EconomyCommunity4Innovation: Innovative Sustainable Economy Thematic Community Project In ProgressBiodiversitySafeguarding Our Natural Heritage: Encouraging Bosnia and Herzegovina to Embrace More Protected Areas