In the 21st century plastic waste has become a central waste management challenge, rapidly becoming one of the largest sources of waste as well as of marine and terrestrial pollution. As living standards and economic levels increase, so too has plastic consumption. This makes targeting this issue in quickly developing middle-to-high income countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina especially vital.

“Let’s Recycle in the Classroom” is an innovative initiative created in response to this well identified challenge. The initiative aims to combat packaging waste, protect biodiversity in the rivers of the Sarajevo Canton, and elevate the quality of life in the Canton through enhanced environmental education in primary schools. The project significantly contributes to the fulfillment of the global sustainable development agenda through recognizing the synergies between Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on quality education and Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13) on climate action. As a result, 2 key objectives guide the project: preserving the biodiversity in rivers and lakes in the Sarajevo Canton through reduction of packaging waste disposal, and strengthening the capacities of elementary school students to tackle the problem of proper disposal of packaging waste.

To reach these goals, the project involved the installation of 4 recycling machines in 4 pilot elementary schools in Sarajevo Canton. Utilizing these new machines, CENER worked with these schools to organize bottle and cans collections, and run workshops for elementary students on the use of the machines and the importance of adequate waste management. In doing so, the project worked to both improve the knowledge of students on the importance of environmental protection and aims of recycling and the circular economy, as well as provided opportunities for students to learn new sustainable behaviors. By focusing on activities in elementary schools, this project seeks to build a new generation of conscious citizens through stimulating curiosity and interest in the environment and its protection. Via fostering critical thinking and environmental problem solving, students will be enabled to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to be environmentally conscious in and outside of the classroom.