Start date: June 2023
End date: December 2024
Project value: 438.720,36 NOK
Contract: Ugovor o dodjeli bespovratnih sredstava_CENER 21
By signing the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina has taken significant commitments, including the implementation of energy transition. This transition aims to create a competitive and long-term sustainable energy system, with a specific focus on ensuring supply security. In order to achieve this goal, we follow the 5D model, which involves Decarbonization, Decentralization, Digitalization, Demonopolization, and Democratization of the energy sector, applying a set of measures such as: energy efficiency, energy management, the use of renewable energy sources and the introduction of the principle of civic energy.
Inspired by our country’s strategic commitment to decarbonization, the Center for Energy, Environment, and Resources – CENER 21 proudly announces the start of the implementation of the project “Contribution to energy security (Security of Supply) through Green Energy Transition – SoS” in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project is implemented within the regional project SMART Balkans – Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans, which is implemented by the Center for Civil Society Promotion (CPCD), the Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM), and the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM), and is financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. The project started in June 2023 and will last a total of 18 months.
The goal of the project is to strengthen energy security, which will be jointly promoted by civil society organizations, the academic community, industry, and citizens and will promote networking and exchange of experiences with decision-makers, as well as strengthening capacities based on the knowledge of top experts in the field.
The vision of this project is to address the needs of target groups and strengthen their knowledge and capacities through three groups of activities:
- Strengthening the capacity of participants in the energy transition through interactive workshops, reports on the state of energy security, consultation meetings with decision-makers, and action plans for advocating energy security.
- Empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in decarbonization, establishing energy management and utilizing renewable energy sources through workshops, energy efficiency audits, cleaner production practices, as well as recommendations and transition plans.
- Raising public awareness through promotional campaigns, including the Electric Energy Saving Challenge, to change habits and adopt energy-saving practices for a more sustainable future.
Through these activities, we aim to achieve a sustainable and prosperous energy future for all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, improve supply security, and contribute to global efforts in protecting our environment.