The DINALPCONNECT project team has selected four Pilot regions in six partner countries with defined linkages between them. The selected pilot regions are on a border between two partner countries and each of them is composed of two pilot regions. Pilot regions represent the connection spots on Dinaric – Alpine route. In order to improve ecological connectivity project partners will establish a network of mentioned Pilot regions to strengthen transboundary linkages between Natura 2000 sites and protected areas where ecological connectivity will be explored and consolidated.


Italy – Slovenia

On the north part of the border between Italy and Slovenia, the pilot region of DINALPCONNECT includes the Tarvisiano Hunting District in Italy and Triglav National Park in Slovenia. The Tarvisiano Hunting District comprises the Prealpi Giulie Natural Park and the Tarvisio forestry – an area of 24000 ha of forest which makes it Italian largest state forest. In the northwestern part of Slovenia there is the Triglav National Park which is the southeastern part of the Alpine massif. Mount Triglav, the highest peak of Julian Alps stands almost in the middle of the national park. With its diverse climate and a wealth of landscape types, the Triglav National Park is home to around 7000 plant and animal species.

Pilot region Italy – Slovenia/Project archive


Slovenia – Croatia

The pilot region on a border between Slovenia and Croatia encompasses Karst Plateau in Slovenia, Učka Nature Park and Ćićarija mountain in Croatia, connecting Slovenia and Croatia. Karst Plateau, in Slovenia known as Kras, is mostly known for its underground caves and is a Natura 2000 site in Slovenia. The largest and most visited is Postojna Cave, the home of the human fish. On Croatian side, Učka Nature Park is a place with many different habitats that are home to numerous endemic, threatened and protected plant and animal species for which Učka Nature Park is a Natura 2000 site. Ćićarija is a karstic mountain, connected to the Karst Plateau on the other side of the border, creating a limestone area that stretches through both countries in the Dinaric direction from northwest to southeast, with Ćićarija standing out with its higher altitude and colder climate.

Pilot region Slovenia – Croatia/Project archive


Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina

The third connection spot on Dinaric – Alpine is on the border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and encompasses Lisac area on Croatian and National Park Una and Drvar Municipality on the Bosnia and Herzegovina side. Lisac is Natura 2000 protected site located northeast from Gračac and northwest from Dinara mountain. Lisac area is relatively large (92 km2) and consists of several peaks of height between 1200 to 1400 m above sea level. Since there are no roads, towns or tourists sub-Mediterranean and epi-Mediterranean dry grasslands are in a very good condition. Just across the border, as the natural treasure of Bosnia and Herzegovina there is Una National Park which lies on 19800 ha of a land in the western part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, specifically in area of city of Bihać and with smaller area in Drvar Municipality. The specificity of the river Una is its excessive length of travertine flow, with a range of associated phenomena such as caves of tufa, travertine islands, barriers and waterfalls. Mosaic of habitats, high diversity of plants, relict and endemic species, and presence of iconic animal species such as brown bear, wolf and lynx, is the result of three climate areas.

Pilot region Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina/Project archive


Albania – Greece

DINALPCONNECT pilot region between Albania and Greece encompasses an area of Pindus Mountain located in northern Greece and southern Albania. Pindus Mountain is an extension of the Dinaric Alps, which dominates the western region of the Balkan Peninsula. Since the Pindus Mountain spreads through both countries, all pilot areas are in the range of the Pindus. On Albanian side there is a Frasher Village which is a subdivision of the municipality Permet, while on a Greek side there is the Vikos – a gorge in the Pindus Mountains of northern Greece famous for significant number of herbs considering having medicinal properties.

Pilot region Albania – Greece/Project archive

The DINALPCONNECT team composed of near 50 enthusiastic team members from 11 partner organizations, coming from seven countries in cooperation with associated partners will prepare Action plans that will highly reflect the needs of pilot regions and present appropriate and applicable steps for improvement of ecological connectivity in the transboundary area. Joint action plans for improved ecological connectivity of transboundary habitats in pilot regions will be based on guidelines for agricultural and forestry management practices and policies protecting biodiversity. The specific objective is to build capacity of the main stakeholders from pilot regions in order to promote and advocate for more efficient transboundary ecological connectivity across the project area.

Overall objective of the DINALPCONNECT is to strengthen transnational and sectoral cooperation to improve ecological connectivity throughout Dinaric Mountains connecting them with Alps for long term protection of biodiversity in view of current and future climatic changes.

More information on DINALPCONNECT project is available at the official project’s website, Facebook page, LinkedIn and Instagram profiles and for regular updates please subscribe to DINALPCONNECT’s newsletter.