The project is carried out in the framework of European Union – Danube Transnational Program (DTP) and implemented by 12 partners from 9 countries in the Danube catchment area. 7 nature protected karst areas in 7 different countries with common features and similar problems take part in this partnership.
The ECO KARST project aims to contribute to the protection and sustainable development of karst bio-regions in the Danube region based on their valued Ecosystem services. ECO KARST will involve various public and private actors into capacity building, networking and know-how transfer. 7 local action plans and 1 common strategy for karst nature protected areas will be developed by local participatory Ecosystem valorisations. Project activities are directed to identification, mapping and valorisation of the ecosystem services, and fostering their sustainable use throughout development of pro bio-diversity entrepreneurs, as a factor of economic development of the areas of protected nature. Project activities include trainings, exchange of the knowledge and experience.
Besides CENER21, the following organisations take part in this project: Slovenian Forest Service (Slovenia), Notranjska Regional Park (Slovenia), Public Institution “Nature Park Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje” (Croatia), National Park Kalkalpen (Austria),Global nature Fund – International Foundation for Environmental and Nature ( Germany), Bukk National Park Directorate (Hungary), Center for Ecological Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary), RNP “Romsilva – Apuseni Nature Park Administration” ( Romania), Parks Dinarides – Network of Protected Areas of Dinarides (Montenegro), Cantonal Public Institution for the Protected Natural Areas of Sarajevo (BiH), Public Utility “National Park Tara” (Serbia).