As of August 2018, CENER21 initiated activities on reducing food waste in Canton Sarajevo. The project is supported by the Government of Canton Sarajevo, through its Support Programme for environmental associations in Canton Sarajevo.
Research carried out at the University of Sarajevo indicates that around 2000-3000 t of food waste is generated each year in Canton Sarajevo in the hospitality industry only and disposed of at the city landfill.[1] There are no data on poverty levels specifically for Canton Sarajevo, but around 51% of population or 215,000 persons are identified as socially excluded based on different criteria (unemployed, retired, disabled, immigrants, etc.), while 3.5% of the total population or 15,000 socially vulnerable persons receive social aid and special care.
In June 2018, a group of volunteers gathered around the initiative Tanjir više (eng. One plate more) to collect surplus of food from restaurants and left-overs after some large events (weddings, conferences and alike) and redistribute it to people in need. This initiative was immediately supported by 4,500 followers on Facebook and followed by daily food donations that are distributed to around 200 people, including the retired, disabled, unemployed and even migrants from third countries. It is estimated that around 500 kg of food has been redistributed in just 3 months.
CENER21 recognised not just the social but also the environmental character of this initiative. Food surplus redistribution significantly contributes to goals achievement as defined by the Waste Management Plan of Canton Sarajevo, as well as EU goals and initiatives when it comes to food waste reduction.
The project will be carried out in close cooperation with the informal citizens’ group Tanjir više and focused on promotion of the initiative among target groups and their beneficiaries. This way, a network of partners will expand and amounts of food donated to people in need will increase.
The general objective of the project is to contribute to food waste reduction generated in restaurants, hotels and catering services in Canton Sarajevo.
Specific objectives are:
- To promote the Tanjir više initiative among target groups (restaurants, hotels, cateringservices) andtheirbeneficiaries (embassies, international organizations, companies, citizens);
- To redirect a minimum of 200 kg/month food towards poor and marginalized people with a tendency of progressive growth for the total food amount redirected/donated.
Reducing food waste requires positive changes in all phases of the food production and consumption chain. Together with the citizens’ group Tanjir više, CENER21 will make the first steps in reducing food waste in Canton Sarajevo, by connecting various stakeholders, synergizing their resources and creating a new food chain for agood cause.
CENER21 is grateful for the opportunity and the support provided by Canton Sarajevo in implementing a project which will have a tremendous impact on people’s lives and the environment in our country.
For daily updates, please follow Tanjir više on Facebook.