UNEP and CENER 21 signed a Small Scale Funding Agreement for the assistance on the implementation of projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the project implementation, UNEP was requested by MoFTER representative to assist in some other activities related to the ongoing MDG-F and GEF projects in the country and in particular in the assistance to the participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Rio+20 Conference and in meeting reporting obligations under the UNCCD.

CENER 21 assisted UNEP ROE in facilitating Bosnia’s participation at the Rio+20 Conference and facilitating Bosnia’s reporting under the UNCCD.

Responsibilities included assistance during national/thematic workshops and any other sectoral or inter-sectoral meetings by facilitating the meetings and reporting on any issues, key messages and recommendations emerging from the discussions and consultations.


Rio+20 process:

  • Revising the document prepared by UNEP on BiH achievements in the implementation of Rio Declaration in consultation with national stakeholders
  • Collecting opinions of the national stakeholders on the Zero Draft of the Rio+20 Resolution and prepare a consolidated position paper for the MoFTER representatives to attend the Rio+20 meetings
  • Ensuring participation of relevant stakeholders in Rio+20 related meetings


UNCCD reporting:

  • Prepare a report on BiH implementation of the convention, in coordination with UNCCD focal point

Consult relevant national stakeholders in the draft report and incorporate their comments and inputs